Our experienced nursing home abuse lawyers often see cases where abused or neglected elderly patients suffer from sepsis. Sepsis symptoms vary depending on whether they are early symptoms or part of a post-sepsis syndrome and can include fever, confusion, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, and difficulty breathing. Additional symptoms can include a high heart rate or weak pulse, disorientation, extreme pain or discomfort, fever, shivering, feeling very cold, and clammy skin.
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Sepsis Symptons in Nursing Homes
What is Sepsis?
Sepsis cases are bacterial infections, viral infections, or fungal infections that can occur disproportionately in the elderly. According to the CDC, sepsis happens when infections you already have trigger a chain reaction throughout your body. They most often start as respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, or infections in the gastrointestinal tract, or skin.
1.7 million adults in the United States develop sepsis each year and of those, 350,000 die or are discharged to hospice care. Without immediate treatment, sepsis can rapidly lead to organ failure, tissue damage, and death.
Blood poisoning is an old term for sepsis. Septicemia or sepsis occurs when bacteria enter the bloodstream, leading to blood poisoning and triggering sepsis.
It is particularly concerning in nursing homes where sepsis is a life-threatening condition. Treatment should begin as soon as possible to help reduce the risk of complications and long-term damage.
Is Sepsis Contagious?
No, sepsis is not contagious. Sepsis is an infection that occurs when bacteria, viruses, or fungi enter the bloodstream and cause a systemic inflammatory response. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), though sepsis itself cannot be spread, the underlying infections may be transmissible to other people.
What Are the 3 Stages of Sepsis?
Sepsis occurs in three stages: sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. It’s a serious condition representing the body’s extreme response to infection. It can rapidly escalate from mild to life-threatening, particularly in elderly nursing home residents, and may indicate nursing home neglect.
Knowing the risk factors and the three stages of sepsis can help family members and caregivers recognize the signs early on and seek immediate medical attention.
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) occurs when the body overreacts to a harmful stressor. If the stressor is an infection, it’s called sepsis. Early symptoms of sepsis may include fever, blood pressure drops, a fast heart rate, and trouble breathing.
Severe Sepsis
The second stage is called severe sepsis. If the infection is not addressed in time, it can spread to other parts of the body and cause organ failure. Common warning signs of severe sepsis in the elderly include extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
Septic Shock
The third stage of sepsis is called septic shock and is the most severe stage. This is a life-threatening medical emergency in which your loved one’s vital organs can suddenly stop functioning properly due to low blood pressure. At this point, they may experience septic shock symptoms from lack of blood flow such as a significant drop off in mental awareness, rapid heart rate, and difficulty breathing.
Get Help Immediately
If you think your loved one is suffering from sepsis or septic shock, it is essential that they get medical attention as soon as possible. The Kryder Law Group, LLC Accident and Injury Lawyers can also help if you suspect nursing home abuse or negligence.
Who Is at Risk for Developing Sepsis?
Sepsis is more common in people over 65 years of age, those who have compromised immune systems, people with recent severe illness, and neonatal sepsis in children younger than one year of age. Other high risk groups include patients with chronic medical conditions like diabetes, lung disease, kidney disease, and cancer.
How Can Sepsis Be Prevented?
The best way to prevent sepsis is through good hygiene and preventive care. This includes washing the hands regularly, avoiding contact with anyone who is sick, and getting vaccinations as recommended by your doctor. It is also important to keep any existing or chronic health conditions under control through regular check-ups and treatments. Recognizing the signs of sepsis, early diagnosis, and medical intervention can help reduce the increased risk of complications and long-term damage.
What Are the Major Causes of Sepsis?
The major causes of sepsis are bacterial and viral infections, including pneumonia, a urinary tract infection, and skin or wound infections. These can occur when bacteria enters the body through broken skin or an invasive medical procedure. Certain fungi can also lead to sepsis if they enter the bloodstream.
What Are the Long-Term Effects of Sepsis?
Untreated sepsis can lead to serious medical conditions such as widespread tissue damage, organ dysfunction and failure, septic shock, and death. Long-term effects of sepsis include permanent damage to the infected tissue in the body’s organs, weakness and fatigue, difficulty with concentration and memory recall, and depression.
What Is the Treatment for Sepsis?
Treatment for sepsis involves addressing the infection responsible for causing it, providing fluids and oxygen to maintain vital organ function, and administering antibiotics or other medications to fight off the infection. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove any infected tissue or drain an abscess.
Why Are Nursing Home Residents Susceptible to Sepsis?
Nursing home residents are more susceptible to a severe sepsis diagnosis due to a weakened immune system, poor hygiene practices, and lack of access to medical care. Additionally, nursing homes often house multiple patients with various chronic infectious diseases, which can increase the risk of viral infection, bacterial infection, or fungal infection.
Nursing Homes and Sepsis Prevention
Nursing homes need to prevent and treat sepsis by:
closely monitoring residents,
maintaining good hygiene, and
providing prompt medical care.
Staff should be trained to recognize early signs of infection and follow proper treatment protocols.
What Should Nursing Home Visitors Do to Prevent Sepsis?
Visitors to nursing homes can prevent the spread of infections by washing their hands before and after visits, avoiding visits when sick (even with a “cold”), steering clear of anyone who is ill, and limiting physical contact with residents who have compromised immune systems. It’s also crucial to monitor any changes in your loved one’s condition to ensure quick medical attention if sepsis develops.
How Dangerous is Sepsis?
The National Institute of Health (NIH) reports that nursing home residents with severe sepsis are more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit compared to those with sepsis who don’t live in nursing homes. The ICU admission rate is 40% for nursing home residents versus 21% for others, with mortality rates at 37% compared to 15%. Source: National Institute of Health
What Should I Do If My Loved One Gets Sepsis in a Nursing Home?
If your loved one is experiencing sepsis in a nursing home, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical care to prevent it from worsening. Also, report any signs of neglect or abuse you notice.
Proper treatment is vital to avoid septic shock and long-term complications, so act quickly if you suspect sepsis. If negligence is involved, The Kryder Law Group, LLC Accident and Injury Lawyers can help your loved one get the justice they deserve.
Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
If your loved one develops sepsis and you suspect nursing home negligence, The Kryder Law Group, LLC can help.
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