Elk Grove Village Premises Liability Lawyer

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Premises liability lawsuits involve a wide range of dangerous property hazards. From swimming pools to spilled liquids, these hazards could result in fall accidents, drowning, electrocution, or a variety of other injuries. In any of these situations, a skilled personal injury attorney could hold a property owner legally accountable for not addressing these hazards in a reasonable manner.

If you are considering a lawsuit after an accident on someone else’s property, having the right legal counsel could make all the difference. These cases can be challenging, especially when the property owner has the support of an insurance company. A dedicated Elk Grove Village premises liability lawyer at The Kryder Law Group could help you even the odds in your case.

Types of Premises Liability Claims

Few areas of the law cover as many different types of cases than premises liability. These cases involve any avoidable injury that occurs on the property of another person. That means these cases could involve a fall down a well, electrocution from an exposed wire, and anything in between. Some of the common types of cases an Elk Grove Village premises liability attorney could help with include:


Slip and fall accidents are arguably the most common type of premises liability case. Falls can occur indoors or outside, and they can stem from countless hazards. Some of the most frequent causes of these accidents are bunched carpets, spilled beverages, and inadequate lighting.

Swimming Pool Accidents

Swimming pools are a common cause of serious physical injuries. These injuries could involve head or neck damages caused by a diving accident. Pool accidents also frequently involve incidents of drowning as well.

Animal Attacks

Animal attacks—including dog bites—are another common hazard that can lead to a premises liability case. In most cases, a property owner has a responsibility to prevent the animals they keep on their property from injuring visitors. There are exceptions, though, like when trespassers are injured on the property.

Harmful Exposure

Exposure to harmful chemicals can also serve as the basis for a premises liability claim. Spilling chemical agents could result in illness or injury for anyone that comes into contact. A property owner that negligently stores harmful chemicals could be liable for any damages that result from accidental exposure.

Understanding Your Possible Damages

If a premises liability lawyer in Elk Grove Village is successful in your case, there could be different types of damages available to you. These damages generally fall into one of two broad categories. These categories are known as economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages exist for one reason: to return you to the financial position you found yourself in prior to your injury. These damages can be proven with documentary evidence like invoices and receipts. Some examples include lost wages or medical bills.

Non-economic damages do not cover your financial losses. Instead, they compensate you for the subjective harm that can come with serious injuries. Some examples include pain and suffering or emotional distress.

Reach Out to an Elk Grove Village Premises Liability Attorney

If your injuries occurred on another person’s property, they could be on the hook for your accident-related losses. Pursuing these claims can be overwhelming on your own, but you have the right to hire knowledgeable legal counsel.

An Elk Grove Village premises liability lawyer could assist you with every stage of your civil lawsuit. Reach out for a private consultation with one of our seasoned attorneys at The Kryder Law Group as soon as possible.

Latisha S.

Great service. They helped me get my money, and everyone was very pleasant even though the health insurance took a while. Everything was on point on Kryder’s side.

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