Maywood Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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If you or a loved one has recently been injured in a bike crash, you may be eligible for monetary compensation. You may be able to hold the at-fault driver financially liable for the economic costs associated with your injury, as well as other noneconomic demands, including pain and suffering. A Maywood motorcycle accident lawyer at The Kryder Law Group, LLC, can take on the responsible parties and help you recover the finances you need to move on.

At The Kryder Law Group, LLC, our dedicated personal injury attorneys represent motorcycle victims in Maywood and throughout the Chicago metro area. We know how to navigate traffic accident liability laws in Illinois and help our clients recover compensation. We want to be your legal advocate, starting today. We offer a free, no-obligation case evaluation, during which we will review the details of your case, go over your legal options, and prepare you for what to expect. There is never a fee unless we are successfully able to represent your interests.

Motorcycle Wreck Claims in Maywood, IL

A motorcycle collision can leave you with devastating bodily injuries, substantial property damage, and immense emotional distress. It can put you out of work, possibly for years or months. It can rob you of the ability to participate in hobbies you once enjoyed while also taking away your physical mobility, independence, and freedom.

If your life has been turned upside down by a bike wreck, the Maywood motorcyclist accident lawyers at The Kryder Law Group, LLC, want to help you get your life back. When accident victims turn to us for help, we get to work right away, gathering evidence, and identifying the responsible parties.

We can help you recover monetary damages for your injuries, including:

Medical Bills

You may be entitled to finances to pay not only the medical bills you have already incurred but also those you can reasonably anticipate in the future. We will work with your doctors, health insurance company, and others involved in your treatment to account for your current and projected future medical costs.

Lost Wages

You should not have to go without the paycheck you need when an injury that is not your fault keeps you out of work. We can hold the responsible party (or parties) financially liable and make sure they and their insurers compensate you for your lost earnings.

Reduced Earning Capacity

Even when you return to work, it might not be at full capacity right away. You may be tasked with getting a new job that accommodates your limited mobility. A Maywood motorbike crash attorney will go after the responsible party and see to it that they compensate you for any differences in pay.

Pain and Suffering and Inconvenience

Not all motorcycle damages can be accounted for in specific dollar terms. In Illinois, accident victims are entitled to pursue noneconomic damages as well. These losses refer to items that do not involve actual monetary depletion but that are nonetheless compensable.

Wrongful Death

If a loved one lost their life in a motorcycle accident, we can help you recover compensation for a number of losses associated with their death, including:

  • Funeral expenses
  • Burial costs
  • Loss of inheritance
  • Loss of the deceased’s future income
  • Loss of love, guidance, and companionship

To discuss your case in specific detail and find out how much you might be eligible to recover through a civil action, contact a motorcycle collision lawyer in Maywood.

The Responsible Parties

Upon accepting your case, The Kryder Law Group, LLC, will launch an investigation and collect available pieces of evidence. Our first goal is to identify all parties who share in the liability for your accident. From there, we will begin building a case that represents your interests by showcasing the other motorist’s negligence and what role that played in causing your injuries. Finally, we will take action, either through an out-of-court settlement or trial, if necessary.

The Other Driver

If another driver broke a traffic law or otherwise operated their vehicle negligently, causing or contributing to your accident, we can hold them financially liable for your damages, even if they were never charged or cited for a traffic violation.

The Vehicle Manufacturer

If a defective or improperly installed vehicular component contributed to the crash, we may be able to hold this party liable for your expenses. For example, if the other driver’s brakes did not operate properly, we may be able to hold the manufacturer of the brakes responsible for the accident.

Other Responsible Parties

Because every accident is unique, we understand that we may be able to assign liability to other parties that we have not listed here. Through the course of our investigation, we will keep you updated on any findings that may impact your ability to pursue compensation.

The Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations on personal injury lawsuits in Illinois is two years. If your case has unique factors or extenuating circumstances, though, this deadline may be longer or shorter. You should speak with a legal professional as soon as possible to become aware of your rights and obligations when it comes to collecting financial recovery for your collision.

Call a Maywood Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

The Kryder Law Group, LLC, is ready to start working for you today. Some of the services that we may be able to provide include:

  • Filing your claim with the appropriate insurance companies
  • Keeping you updated on your case’s evolution
  • Investigating the elements that contributed to your accident
  • Collecting evidence to assign liability and support your account of events
  • Consulting with expert witnesses to get more insight into your case
  • Advocating for your rights throughout the legal proceedings

For a free case evaluation, call a Maywood motorcycle accident lawyer at our firm today.

Latisha S.

Great service. They helped me get my money, and everyone was very pleasant even though the health insurance took a while. Everything was on point on Kryder’s side.

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The Kryder Law Group, LLC Accident and Injury Lawyers, 134 North LaSalle St. Suite 1515 Chicago, IL 60602
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(312) 598-1012

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